


Dr. Burton’s approach is based on his experience that patients respond best to treatment when symptoms are understood in the context of the whole person.

His training in medicine and psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, and psychoanalysis offers a multi-leveled approach to evaluation. The medical model of diagnosis-based treatment is a rational method of gathering information and distilling it into a diagnosis. For the child and adolescent psychiatrist, each stage of a person’s life presents a unique set of tasks to accomplish before progressing to the next stage. Psychodynamics is the understanding that parts of our minds inform our actions and influence our lives without our awareness.  

Treatment may include medication, lifestyle changes, cognitive-behavioral work, or psychotherapy, but the prescription always follows the consideration of diagnosis, development, and dynamics.


Psychotherapy is a collaborative process built on regularly scheduled sessions and an openness to exploring both the known and the unknown. Psychotherapy is most beneficial when one commits to a consistent schedule to explore, in a private and separate space, the challenges one is facing.

Dynamic Psychotherapy

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy is aimed at gaining insight into our reactions and behaviors in order to change problematic patterns. Individuals engaged in this form of psychotherapy generally have a regularly scheduled appointment weekly, or more often as necessary.

Dynamic Psychotherapy takes an individualized approach to self-awareness in order to work through unresolved issues and symptoms that can greatly assist in uncovering the source of emotional distress or problematic behavior by exploring motives and needs the patient may not even be aware of experiencing.


Psychoanalysis is aimed at gaining deep and pervasive insight into our patterns of behaviors, as well as our underlying personality structure. Through this intensive form of treatment, the goal is significant and sustainable change. Patients typically come 3 to 5 times per week and use the couch for maximum effectiveness.


“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”

–Carl Jung